Monday 26 July 2010

Day 1 - And we're off!

Today was the first time the 2010 Sailing to Britain participants worked together, and what a lot they got through! They worked on stage at Greenwich Theatre, where they will perform next Friday, had a tour of the National Maritime Museum, played games, tried some yoga and created some great images using nothing but their imagination and a rope!

The participants described today as:
Interesting, New, Nauseating (in an acting sense - seasickness!), Exciting, Groovy, Extreme, Fun, Useful, Nice, Eventful, Inspiring, Sweaty, Wordy, Promising, Unexpected, Tiring, Refreshing, Unusual, Enlightening, Informative, Physical and Helpful!

Check back tomorrow for another update...


  1. It all sounds great - I personally can't wait to see what Jules and the team do with my story idea.....will be checking in all week!


  2. Good luck to the team and young participants over the next 2 weeks. Really looking forward to seeing the show at Greenwich Theatre complete with high-flying!

  3. yes, it all sounds very exciting.............and I can not wait to see the performance soon.
